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About Us

Updated: Sep 19

We are a company located in Turkey that specializes in providing professional geopolitical consulting services. We have hundreds of geopolitical experts from all over the world who can solve all your problems in one stop.

What is an Expert Interview?

Expert Interview is a qualitative research method to help gather in-depth insights and knowledge from individuals with specialized expertise and authority in a specific field, sector, or topic. Subject Matter expert interviews play a pivotal role in the overall research process, serving as a dynamic means to gather firsthand insights on a topic/company, validate hypotheses, and refine strategic initiatives.

Benefits of Subject Matter Expert Interviews in Qualitative Research:

  • Depth of Insight interviews: Expert enable you to delve into complex topics and gain nuanced perspectives that may not be readily available through traditional data sources. Speaking directly to the source also increases the overall credibility of your research.

  • Save Time and Resources: Expert interviews allow you to gather targeting information directly from the source. This focused approach helps reduce the amount of time spent sifting through vast amounts of data from various sources.

  • Customization and Relevance: Unlike standardized reports or syndicated research, expert interviews offer tailored insights that align with the specific objectives and priorities of your research project.

  • Interactive Dialogue: Expert interviews foster an interactive dialogue between researchers and subject matter experts, allowing for real-time clarification, exploration, and synthesis of ideas.

  • Agility and Adaptability: In today's fast-paced business environment, agility is paramount. Expert provide interviews a flexible and adaptive approach to research, allowing you to pivot quickly in response to evolving market conditions or emerging opportunities.

Whether it's financial institutions seeking market insights or corporate firms navigating strategic decisions, expert interviews offer unparalleled advantages.

How to Conduct a Subject Matter Expert Interview

Scottish historian and philosopher Thomas Carlyle once said, “Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight.” When you're facing a challenging decision, the insights gained by interviewing subject matter experts can help guide you to the best decision before taking action. To make the most of those interviews, it's best to follow these interviewing best practices so you can maximize the value of your time and effort.

Planning the interview is critical. In fact, it will determine the success of the interview itself and the insights you glean. Planning involves two very important documents. The first is the interview plan, which focuses on selecting the right experts you wish to speak with. The second is the interview guide, which details the very specific questions you intend to discuss with the expert or experts you select.

The Expert Interview Plan

Start with the end in mind and define your goals for doing the research. It is important to know what decision or action you intend to take as a result of your research. From here, you can work backward to determine the intelligence and analysis required to make a well-formed decision. And finally, work backward to outline what raw data and insights are needed to develop that intelligence.


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